The Waldenstrom’s Weekly

November 12, 2021

Volume 1, Issue 31

The International Waldenstrom’s Macroglobulinemia Foundation (IWMF) is dedicated to supporting and educating everyone affected by WM while advancing the search for a cure. The IWMF provides access to The Waldenstrom’s Weekly as a free service to WM community members to share WM related news and events. For more information, please contact

2025 Waldenstrom's Weekly Archive


2021 IWMF Educational Forum
Recordings Available for your Convenience!


Presentations Now Available for On-Demand Viewing!

Ask the Doctors: Live Q&A
Dr. Stephen Ansell, Dr. Andrew Branagan, Dr. Christian Buske,
Dr. Jorge Castillo, Dr. Steven Treon & Moderated by Dr. Tom Hoffmann
Video Here 
Current Treatment Options
Dr. Stephen Ansell, Mayo Clinic, Rochester
Video Here and Slides Here
Ed Forum-Day 1

WMUK Patient-Doctor Summit
Saturday, November 13th
Register Today!

2021 WMUK Patient-Doctor Summit

Click here to view the programme, which will cover the latest COVID-19 updates, physical and mental wellbeing, WM research, patient stories and much, much more. Register below!


Rory Morrison WMUK Registry Report

From the WMUK:
We’re proud to share the 2nd Rory Morrison WMUK Registry Report with you. The report, which uses data collected from over 800 WM patients in the UK, has given clinicians new insights into the disease.


WM Community Corner

Alison Wachstein of Connecticut began a fundraiser for the IWMF, called the “Share the LOVE Porchtrait FUNdraiser”. Alison has been raising money using her master photography skills to capture loved ones together-rain or shine- on her front porch. Alison has raised $1,400 so far, congrats Alison!
Interested in starting your own fundraiser to support the IWMF? Contact Jeremy Dictor at for more information.

Leukemia & Lymphoma Society
Co-Pay Assistance Program Enhancements!

Great News! The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society WM Co-Pay Assistance Program is currently open
Instant Decision
No more waiting! Patients get a decision in real time and have immediate access to funds.
Quick Search Tool – Available Now
Access current status of applications, award coverage period, award balances, claim submissions, and payment details without logging into the portal. Questions? Click here.
Increased household income threshold
Household incomes that are at or below 600% of the U.S. federal poverty guidelines as adjusted by the Cost of Living Index (COLI) may be eligible for assistance.
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Thanks to You!

The IWMF is able to offer our education, information and support programs free of charge, thanks to the generosity of WM community members like you.
Please consider a gift of support by clicking below.

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