The IWMF LIFELINE can be found here.
One of the very best parts of the IWMF is our members and the support they share. We gather and support each other at our annual Educational Forum and other periodic educational meetings held by the IWMF and/or our International Affiliates. And, Support Group meetings, whether in the US or those of our International Affiliates, provide a more frequent opportunity for members to meet, share information, compare experiences and provide mutual encouragement.
- If we don’t have an IWMF Support Group in your local area and/or you would like to talk with a WM patient on a one-one-on basis, we encourage you to contact the Support Group Leader or Regional Contact closest to your geographic location. These can be found here.
- If you have questions on specific topics and you would like to speak with someone who is an experienced WM patient who may have had similar experience, our LIFELINE volunteers may be able to help you.
Speak to an Experienced WM Patient/LIFELINE
The IWMF is proud to have a volunteer-based telephone and e-mail LIFELINE intended to address specific WM questions from our members. The LIFELINE is staffed by WM patients and caregivers who are willing to share their experiences in specialized areas. These volunteers are not doctors or medical professionals, and they do not give medical advice or treatment recommendations. However, LIFELINE volunteers have personal, and often extensive, experience on the topic(s) which they support, and they may be able to assist you in accessing better information or to refer you to experts in specific areas.
While our LIFELINE volunteers speak primarily in English, we also have volunteers fluent in many other languages.
If you would like to be a LIFELINE volunteer, please contact us.
How Can We Help You?