Education Resources

Becoming knowledgeable about WM, treatment options and coping mechanisms are key for your wellbeing as a patient with a very rare cancer. The IWMF offers an annual Educational Forum and makes available publications and other information to help you and your caregivers become knowledgeable about your disease.


Educational Forum
The IWMF sponsors an Annual Educational Forum (Ed Forum) held in a different US destination each year. This Forum typically last 2-3 days, and all WM patients, supporters, caregivers, family worldwide are welcome to attend.

Our Ed Forum is the place to learn about our disease from WM specialists who are involved in many areas of clinical practice and research. Presentations are aimed at the layperson and address: symptoms and complications of the disease, current treatment options, new therapies, and recent research findings that may someday lead to a cure. The Ed Forum also offers breakout discussion groups on specific topics of interest to both patients and caregivers. The Ed Forum environment offers networking meetups for sharing experiences and supporting each other.  Many of the medical professionals remain for the duration of the Forum which provides an opportunity for attendees to talk with the experts on an informal basis. Each Ed Forum concludes with the popular “Ask the Doctor” question-and-answer session.

Learn more about IWMF’s upcoming Ed Forum here.

IWWM International Doctor-Patient Forum

Since 2000 the IWMF has co-sponsored the IWWM International Doctor-Patient Forum. This educational meeting occurs bi-annually in different parts of the world following the International Workshop on WM (IWWM) for Physicians/Researchers sponsored by the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute. IWWM International Doctor-Patient Forums have been held in France, Greece, Italy, UK, US, Sweden and the Netherlands.

The International Doctor-Patient Forum provides the opportunity for global patients to be updated on the most current WM research and treatment options by leading international WM physicians/researchers who attend the International Workshop on WM.


IWMF Educational Materials

We are pleased to provide, at no cost, several publications written by medical professionals that cover many aspects of WM, including medical and blood tests, diagnosis and treatment options. These publications are directed to laypersons, and they are revised continually as our knowledge of WM advances. You can find out more about these publications and download them directly from our website here.

For  those who are newly diagnosed, the IWMF has packaged several of our publications, selected videos from IWMF Educational Forum(s), information on our support services, and information about our WM Physicians Directory for those who would like a second opinion/consultation on their condition. This package, the IWMF Information Packet (Info Pak), is intended to help the newly diagnosed and his/her caregiver get a better understanding on the disease, how WM is diagnosed, medical tests and treatment options so that they can discuss these with their hematologist/oncologist. The IWMF Info Pak is available in English, Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese, French, German, Italian and Spanish. Additional information about the IWMF Info Pak for newly diagnosed can be found here.

Our Videos & Presentations Library contains presentations from IWMF Educational Forums and from International WM Workshops.

Quarterly Magazine – the IWMF Torch

Our free magazine, the IWMF Torch, is published quarterly and each issue keeps you informed about the progress being made in the fight against WM, as well as research activities, treatments, IWMF events and programs.

The IWMF Torch is available through the mail by contacting us, or it can be viewed and printed directly from our website.