The Waldenstrom’s Weekly

April 30, 2021

Volume 1, Issue 8

The International Waldenstrom’s Macroglobulinemia Foundation (IWMF) is dedicated to supporting and educating everyone affected by WM while advancing the search for a cure. The IWMF provides access to The Waldenstrom’s Weekly as a free service to WM community members to share WM related news and events. For more information, please contact

2025 Waldenstrom's Weekly Archive


Next Week!
IWMF Global Educational Webinar
May 4, 2021 at 1:30PM U.S. ET

Living with Peripheral Neuropathy:
No Easy Feat


Join this exciting online event with a lively
Ask the Doctor Session!

Free Online Conference for U.S. Patients
Saturday, May 15th from 10:30AM – 6:30PM U.S. ET

Triage Cancer is a national, nonprofit organization that provides education on the practical and legal issues that may impact individuals diagnosed with cancer and their caregivers, through events, materials, and resources.

WMUK Webinar
Monday, May 17, 2021
11:00AM- 12:00PM BST (UK)

Dr. Dima El-Sharkawi, Consultant Haematologist will be talking about COVID-19 and answering your questions.
Dr. El-Sharkawi will be joined by WMUK Patient Support Manager, Bob Perry, to talk about COVID-19 and vaccinations. The session is due to last approximately an hour, and there may be time for additional audience questions.
To submit any questions in advance, please email WMUK at
Please note: WMUK cannot answer personal medical questions on this webinar. If you have particular concerns about your specific treatment, please seek advice from your consultant.


Board Chair of WMFC Walking for WM Research
During the Month of May

From Paul G. Kitchen, WMFC Board Chair:

In support of WMFC’s Research Month and to generate a greater awareness of WM in Canada, I am attempting to walk 10km each day during the month of May. (Roughly the distance from my home in Rothesay, NB to Moncton, mostly along the Trans-Canada Trail.) Our local newspaper in Saint John New Brunswick has picked up the story, and Global News did an interview which was broadcast nationally.

A number of WMers might choose to walk as well during the month of May to see if they are able to raise a few dollars for Research Month. Every $ makes a difference. My progress will be tracked daily on our website.  Thank you for all the encouragement. So far, the response to the walk has been wonderful. I am hoping that this venture will contribute to a successful Research Month.

Stay safe.

Rare Patient Voice:
Now Accepting Residents From ALL Countries!

Get paid for your opinion
Patients and Caregivers (family, friends) of WM are provided an opportunity to voice their opinions through surveys and interviews to improve medical products and services.
Why sign up with Rare Patient Voice?
Who knows better than you about your journey and experiences? We connect you with researchers who are developing products and services which can help you and others with your condition. These researchers need patient input so that they develop products and services that have a meaningful impact on patients’ lives. Over the past seven years, Rare Patient Voice has paid patients over $6 million dollars.
How will I be paid?
You will earn $100 per hour for participating in studies. We pay by check to ensure patients can use their compensation in any way they wish.
Cellectar clinical trials ad

This is a paid clinical trial advertisement

Thanks to You!

The IWMF is able to offer our education, information and support programs free of charge, thanks to the generosity of WM community members like you.
Please consider a gift of support by clicking below.

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