When evaluating proposals for research funding and following up on funded project results, the IWMF relies on the assistance of several committees. The Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC) is comprised of top WM researchers from around the world, and its members provide guidance on the direction of the IWMF’s research strategy. Research grant proposals are solicited via the process of an annual Request for Proposals and evaluated by an independent committee composed of selected members of SAC and other experts as needed. The proposals are ranked according to National Institutes of Health (NIH) review criteria and forwarded to the IWMF Board of Trustees. Generally speaking, at this stage a decision to fund a proposal is based on proposal quality and fund availability. Once approved for funding, each project’s Principal Investigator submits periodic Progress Reports to the IWMF Research Committee, which is responsible for reviewing all Progress Reports and approving scheduled payments according to the terms of each project’s contract.
For a full list of the Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC) download the PDF here.
Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC)
Name | Medical Institution | Website |
Stephen Ansell, MD, PhD (Co-Chair, IWMF SAC) | Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota | www.mayoclinic.org |
Steven Treon, MD, PhD (Co-Chair, IWMF SAC) | Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Boston, Massachusetts | www.dana-farber.org |
James R. Berenson, MD | Institute for Myeloma & Bone Cancer Research, West Hollywood, California | www.imbcr.org |
Christian Buske, MD | University Hospital, Ulm, Germany | uni-ulm.de |
Jorge Castillo, MD | Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Boston, Massachusetts | www.dana-farber.org |
Morton Coleman, MD | Weill Cornell Medical College, New York, New York | www.nyp.org |
Meletios Dimopoulos, MD | Alexandra Hospital, Athens, Greece | www.school.med.uoa.gr |
Stanley Frankel, MD | Columbia University, New York, New York | www.cumc.columbia.edu |
Morie Gertz, MD | Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota | www.mayoclinic.org |
Irene Ghobrial, MD | Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Boston, Massachusetts | www.dana-farber.org |
Zachary Hunter, PhD | Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Boston, Massachusetts | www.dana-farber.org |
Prashant Kapoor, MD, FACP | Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN | www.mayoclinic.org |
Efstathios Kastritis, MD | National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, School of Medicine | en.uoa.gr |
Eva Kimby, MD | Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden | ki.se/en/startpage |
Monique Minnema, MD | UMC Utrecht, Netherlands | www.umcutrecht.nl/nl |
Gwen L. Nichols, MD | The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, Rye Brook, New York | www.lls.org |
Roger Owen, MD | St. James’s Institute of Oncology, Leeds, United Kingdom | www.leedsth.nhs.uk |
Lia Palomba, MD | Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center | www.mskcc.org |
Surinder Sahota, PhD | University of Southampton, United Kingdom | www.southampton.ac.uk |
Sheeba Thomas, MD | MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, Texas | www.mdanderson.org |
Marcel Spaargaren, Ph.D. | Amsterdam UMC | www.amsterdamumc.nl |
Research Committee
- Tom Hoffmann, MD, FACS, ACCP, Chair
- Stephen Ansell, MD, Advisor
- Suzanne Herms
- Linda Nelson, DMD, MScD
- David Schnell, MD
- Guy Sherwood, MD
- Joe Thompson, PhD
- Martin Vanderlaan
- Scott Whitman