W. PA, E. OH & WV Support Group Meeting
W. PA, E. OH & WV Support Group Meeting
W. PA, E. OH & WV Support Group Meeting ON ZOOM Sunday, January 26 2:00PM - 4:00PM Contact: Marcia Klepac, marciaklep@hotmail.com; 724-433-5687
W. PA, E. OH & WV Support Group Meeting ON ZOOM Sunday, January 26 2:00PM - 4:00PM Contact: Marcia Klepac, marciaklep@hotmail.com; 724-433-5687
Join our wellness community! Yoga can improve quality of life for those affected by chronic illnesses like cancer. Our gentle, inclusive yoga practice helps us stay balanced in mind, body, and spirit. During this slower-paced 45-minute class you will be given many cues to take care of yourself based on your current state of being. […]
Young WM Support Group (Age 50 and under)- caregivers welcome! January 28th at 8:00PM Eastern time Contact: Shelly at mpostek@iwmf.com
QIGONG FOR MENTAL HEALTH with Donna DeLuca Thursday Jan 30, 1-2:30 pm ET Cancer patients face exceptional psychological stresses: medical situations that generate fear and sadness, anxiety and depression; medications and/or treatments that can exacerbate emotional states; and ongoing isolation as a result of compromised immune system health. In the post-Covid landscape, mental health services […]
NYC Area Support Group February 2nd 1:00PM ET For the zoom link, contact shelly at mpostek@iwmf.com
Join our wellness community! Yoga can improve quality of life for those affected by chronic illnesses like cancer. Our gentle, inclusive yoga practice helps us stay balanced in mind, body, and spirit. During this slower-paced 45-minute class you will be given many cues to take care of yourself based on your current state of being. […]
TN/MS/AR Support Group Meeting February 4th on Zoom at 11:00AM CT Contact for Zoom link: Lisa at lfoust69@gmail.com
Island of Ireland Zoom Meeting February 5th 7:30 PM -8:30PM Contact for Zoom Link: Bob Perry at bob5773@hotmail.co.uk
WM Military Veterans Support Group February 6 at 2:00PM ET on Zoom Discussion/Sharing session Contact: shelly at mpostek@iwmf.com
WM People of Color Support Group February 7 1:00PM Contact; Shelly at mpostek@iwmf.com
Yoga Nidra 4:00PM ET Join yoga therapist Ann Grace for a guided relaxation practice that can be done from bed, the infusion chair, or the couch or floor. Whether you’re watching and waiting, undergoing treatment or recovering, rest is a powerful and much-needed medicine. Access your innate state of relaxation during Yoga Nidra, a guided […]
Join our wellness community! Yoga can improve quality of life for those affected by chronic illnesses like cancer. Our gentle, inclusive yoga practice helps us stay balanced in mind, body, and spirit. During this slower-paced 45-minute class you will be given many cues to take care of yourself based on your current state of being. […]
Replay: T'ai Chi Join Rami Rones to safely explore the ancient mind-body therapies of T’ai Chi and Qi Gong. The meditative state achieved during practice can help reduce anxiety and stress while boosting your mood, immune system, and energy levels. Slow, low-impact movements can increase muscle mass and bone density, ease aches and pains, gently […]
Cardio Flow Challenge your coordination and balance while addressing symptoms like fatigue and peripheral neuropathy. Get your body moving with repetitive, simple movements within the safe space of our WM community. Improve blood flow, balance, and mobility! Stick around for our community chat afterwards to connect with other WM friends (optional and unrecorded). Register HERE
Massachusetts Support Group Meeting February 16 1:00PM - 3:00PM Contact: Eileen Sullivan, ebsullivan27@gmail.com
Join our wellness community! Yoga can improve quality of life for those affected by chronic illnesses like cancer. Our gentle, inclusive yoga practice helps us stay balanced in mind, body, and spirit. During this slower-paced 45-minute class you will be given many cues to take care of yourself based on your current state of being. […]
Whole Person Cancer Care: Living Well with WM with Dr. Wayne Jonas Thursday, February 20th 2025 1-2:30pm ET Register here: https://iwmf-wm.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZMpdeqsqD0rHtCZAntAqFjBM9msieWXQKWg Whole person cancer care involves learning what matters most to patients and engaging them in health and wellness behaviors that influence their quality of life and longevity as the cancer is treated. Such care […]
Richmond Area, VA Support Group February 20 7:00-8:30PM on Zoom Contact: Paul at pattanasio@yahoo.com
Sound Bath Relax to the sound of authentic Himalayan Singing bowls, with gentle verbal guidance and healing chants to further calm the nervous system. Caregivers are more than welcome! Research studies have shown that sound meditation with singing bowls reduced tension and increased feelings of spiritual well-being in its participants and could be useful for […]
Join our wellness community! Yoga can improve quality of life for those affected by chronic illnesses like cancer. Our gentle, inclusive yoga practice helps us stay balanced in mind, body, and spirit. During this slower-paced 45-minute class you will be given many cues to take care of yourself based on your current state of being. […]
Mindfulness Meditation Take a 30-minute break! Whether you’re watching and waiting, undergoing treatment or recovering, or you’re a care partner to someone managing Waldenstrom’s, you can benefit from our Mindfulness Meditation. Studies show that use of mindfulness among people with cancer reduced psychological distress, fatigue, sleep disturbance, pain, and symptoms of anxiety and depression. Register here: […]
Gentle Yoga Roll out your mat to improve your flexibility, mobility, strength, balance, and bone density! Manage your stress and support your immune system function while addressing symptoms like fatigue […]