IWWM International Doctor-Patient Forum

5th International Patient-Physician Summit on WM

Intro/Session-1: Genomics in the Diagnosis and Management of WM

Chairs welcome and program overview
IWMF President's Address:  Carl Harrington
Chairs: Roger Owen (UK) and Jorge Castillo (USA).
Overview of MYD88 and CXCR4 mutations in WM.
How can MYD88 and CXCR4 mutations be sequenced?
How important is getting MYD88 mutation status for the diagnosis of WM?
What is the role of MYD88 and CXCR4 mutations in the management of WM?
How should CXCR4 mutations be used in making treatment decisions in WM patients?

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Session-2: Predisposition to WM

Chairs: Mary McMaster (USA) and Zachary Hunter (USA).

Overview of known predispositions to WM
Which IgM MGUS and smoldering WM patients are at increased risk for progressing to active WM?
Does detection of mutated MYD88 in IGM MGUS patients help predict progression to WM?
What genomic changes accompany transition of IgM MGUS to WM?
How common is familial WM, and what genomics are responsible for familial disease?
Is Agent Orange exposure associated with WM?

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Session-3: Disease Presentation in WM

Chairs: Monique Minnema (Netherlands) and Giampaolo Merlini (Italy).
Overview of disease presentation in WM
What causes peripheral neuropathy in WM, and how should it be evaluated and treated?
What is Bing Neel Syndrome and how should it be evaluated?
What is Amyloidosis and when should you suspect it in WM patients?
When should plasmapheresis be used in WM patients?

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Session-4: Genomic Landscape of WM

Chairs: Zachary Hunter (USA) and Marzia Varretoni (Italy).
Overview of key genomic findings in WM
How do MYD88 mutations impact WM cell growth and survival?
Are MYD88 mutations by themselves sufficient to cause WM?
How do CXCR4 mutations impact WM cell growth and survival?
How important are TP53 mutations in WM?
What are the treatment implications for mutations found in WM?
What genomic findings accompany disease transformation in WM?

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Session-5: Keynotes: Clinical Trials Updates in WM: Rituximab-based therapy

Chairs: Eva Kimby (Sweden) and Shirley D’Sa (UK).
Overview of rituximab alone and in combination in WM
Update of rituximab clinical trials in WM:
Bendamustine and Rituximab as first line therapy in WM
Randomized clinical trial of BCR vs. FCR as frontline therapy in WM patients
Rituximab Maintenance or Observation in WM
Activity of Rituximab in patients with MAG positive peripheral neuropathy

Keynote Address: Impressions of my father, Jan G. Waldenstrom, Anders Waldenstrom M.D. (Sweden)

Keynote Address: Impressions of my mentor, Jan G. Waldenstrom, Frank Wollheim M.D., Ph.D. (Sweden)

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Session-6: Clinical Trial Updates in WM: Proteasome- Inhibitors

Chairs: Stathis Kastritis (Greece) and MJ Kersten (Netherlands)
Overview of Proteasome Inhibitor Activity in WM
Update of proteasome-inhibitor clinical trials in WM:
Long term follow-up of Bortezomib, Dexamethasone and Rituximab as frontline therapy in WM
Long term follow-up of Carfilzomib, Dexamethasone and Rituximab as frontline therapy in WM
Prospective Study of Ixazomib, Dexamethasone, Rituximab as frontline therapy in WM
Proteasome-inhibitors in previously treated WM

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Session-7: Clinical Trials Updates in WM: Ibrutinib

Chairs: Steven Treon (USA) and Meletios Dimopoulos (Greece)
Overview of Ibrutinib Therapy in WM
Update of ibrutinib clinical trials in WM:
Ibrutinib monotherapy in treatment-naïve WM patients
Long term follow-up of ibrutinib monotherapy in previously-treated WM patients:Update of pivotal trial
Ibrutinib monotherapy in rituximab-refractory WM patients
Randomized clinical trial of ibrutinib/rituximab versus rituximab in symptomatic WM patients
What are the mechanisms of resistance to ibrutinib in WM?

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Session-8: Case-Studies: Clinical Trials Updates in WM: Novel Agents in WM

Chairs: Judith Trotman (Australia) and Jorge Castillo (USA)
Overview of Novel Agents in Development for WM
Update of Novel Agent Clinical Trials in WM:
Phase II Study of the BTK-inhibitor Acalabrutinib in previously-treated WM patients
Phase II Study of the BTK-inhibitor Zanubrutinib in symptomatic WM patients
Phase II Study of the BCL2-inhibitor Venetoclax in previously treated WM patients
Phase I/II Study of the CXCR4-inhibitor Ulocuplomab plus ibrutinib in symptomatic WM
Phase II Study of the CD38-antibody Daratumumab in previously treated WM patients

Case Presentations: Steven Treon, Jorge Castillo, Judith Trotman, Alessandra Tedeschi, Eva Kimby, Stathis Kastritis

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Wrapup: Associated and Secondary Malignancy Risks in WM Patients

Chairs: Alessandra Tedeschi (Italy) and Stathis Kastritis (Greece)
Overview of other malignancies in WM
Are WM patients at higher risk for treatment unrelated cancers?
How important are treatment related secondary malignancies in WM?
What additional cancer screening should be adopted for WM patients?
Summit Wrapup:  Steven Treon and Jorge Castillo

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IWWM9 International Doctor-Patient Forum

About Hematon (the Dutch Blood Cancer Organization)

Hans Scheurer - Board Member, Hematon, NL, IWWM9 Doctor-Patient Forum, 2016

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About the IWMF

Carl Harrington –  IWMF President, IWWM9 Doctor-Patient Forum, 2016

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IWMF/LLS Research Roadmap

Guy Sherwood, MD - IWMF Vice President for Research, IWWM9 Doctor-Patient Forum, 2016

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WM Diagnostics, Symptoms & Treatment

Ramon Garcia-Sanz, MD – University of Salamanca, Spain, IWWM9 Doctor-Patient Forum, 2016

Predispositions: Familial & Secondary Cancers

Robert Kyle, MD - Mayo Clinic, Rochester, IWWM9 Doctor-Patient Forum, 2016

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Biomarkers & Genomic Targets: MYD88 & CXCR4

Zachary Hunter, PhD – Dana Farber Cancer Institute, IWWM9 Doctor-Patient Forum, 2016

Disease Morbidities I: Peripheral Neuropathy, Bing Neel, Renal, Amyloid

Monique Minnema MD - University Medical Center, Utrecht, NL, IWWM9 Doctor-Patient Forum, 2016

Disease Morbidities II: IgM Related Disorders, Hyperviscosity, & Cryos

Josephine Vos, MD – St. Antonius Hospital, NL, IWWM9 Doctor-Patient Forum, 2016

Upfront Treatment Approaches

Jorge Castillo, MD – Dana Farber Cancer Institute, IWWM9 Doctor-Patient Forum, 2016

Relapsed/Refractory Approaches

Marie Jose Kersten, MD – University of Amsterdam, NL, IWWM9 Doctor-Patient Forum, 2016

Self-Management: Fitness, Supplements, Diet, & Fatigue

Toni Dubeau, RN/NP – Dana Farber Cancer Institute, IWWM9 Doctor-Patient Forum, 2016