In honor of Dr. Robert A. Kyle and Mrs. Charlene M. Kyle, the first ever endowment program for the IWMF was established in 2009. The goal of this very important project is to raise one million dollars. The annual interest earned on the Kyle Endowment Fund will be used to sponsor research initiatives.
Everyone in our WM community knows Bob Kyle. Bob is a presenter at every IWMF Educational Forum and he is featured in many issues of the Torch. He travels from one end of the globe to the other presenting lectures on WM and related cancers. From small support group meetings in church halls in Minnesota to the Stockholm research workshop, he enlightens both the newest patients as well as the veteran medical researchers on subjects of interest. He has received many national and international awards from the most prominent sources in the field of cancer. In the WM world, it is safe to say that he is known as the “godfather of WM,” having mentored many doctors who are now involved in WM research and treating WM patients.
Bob Kyle was a friend of Dr. Jan Waldenström, who discovered our disease. He is also a friend to Dr. Waldenström’s son, Dr. Anders Waldenström. Dr. Kyle is a special advisor and friend to the IWMF Board of Trustees. He is a charter member of the IWMF Scientific Advisory Committee and was the Chair of that committee for many years.
Dr. Kyle has not only treated many WM patients in his long career but is also a pioneer researcher in WM. We owe Bob Kyle our highest respect and appreciation for his continued interest in our disease.
As a tribute to his outstanding contributions to the IWMF and its entire membership, the Board of Trustees of the IWMF has established the Dr. Robert A. Kyle and Mrs. Charlene M. Kyle Endowment Fund – the first endowed fund of the IWMF. The annual income from this fund will be used for activities, strategies, and programs associated with the IWMF Research Fund as determined by the IWMF Board.
If you are interested in more information about the Kyle endowment, please contact us.