IWMF Research Grant Program
IWMF grant funding for research projects has helped to provide an understanding of the basic biology and genetics of WM. This research in turn has played a significant role in the development of treatments and treatment guidelines in current use, as well as potential new drugs still in the pipeline. The goal of our research program is to improve quality of life for WM patients and, ultimately, discover a cure.
The Foundation has a rigorous process in place for all research grant proposals, which includes review by an independent committee composed of selected members of the IWMF Scientific Advisory Committee and other experts in the field. The awarding of research grants is ultimately subject to IWMF Board of Trustees approval. Researchers who receive grant awards must submit periodic progress reports, including a layman’s summary, to the volunteer IWMF Research Committee for review and comment.
IWMF-LLS Strategic Research Roadmap Initiative
Purpose: IWMF-LLS Strategic Research Roadmap Initiative is pledged to promote and support basic research leading to improved understanding of the cause, diagnosis, treatment, and cure for the disease Waldenstrom’s macroglobulinemia (WM). Based on this strategy, the IWMF-LLS Strategic Research Roadmap Initiative was recently developed to further our knowledge in five specific areas of WM research. The Initiative includes a Request for Proposals, the most recent of which can be viewed here.
Submissions:An application for a research project can be submitted within the Strategic Research Roadmap Initiative via email (timelines and addresses listed below). The project description, significance, Aims, six-month timelines and scientific approach should not exceed 12 pages in length and follow the guidelines noted below. Additional pages should include references, biographical sketches, detailed budget with justification, list of other projects, and appendices as necessary. Following a review process that may take up to four to six months, awards will be made to successful applicants.
Range of Grant Awards: The IWMF anticipates funding grants for up to $200,000 per year for each project under the Strategic Research Roadmap Initiative.
Project Length: Research projects shall be up to 2 years in length.
Payment Policy: The IWMF Treasurer will pay a pro rata amount for six months at the start of the project. Future payments will be made at designated six-month intervals after each Interim or Final Report and accompanying Lay Summary has been received, the IWMF Research Committee has reviewed it for satisfactorily meeting the IWMF reporting requirements (see below) and a webinar with the lead researcher has occurred. Payments will be made after all guidelines have been met.
Reporting Requirements: Progress Reports are required to be submitted to the IWMF by the Investigator every six months for the duration of the project. Interim Progress Reports must be submitted no later than 30 days after the six-month period ends. Such Progress Reports will describe the activities and results with respect to each specific Aim that have occurred during the preceding six-month period. Project Aims should not be changed during the research process without prior notification, justification, and agreement of the IWMF Research Committee. The Investigator must show in the reports that he or she is performing the obligations stated in the submitted and approved research proposal for each reporting period. Deviations from the six-month timelines need to be explained to ensure that the project is on track. A Final Progress Report which describes the results and findings as they relate to the stated goals of the project for the full term of the project is required no later than 45 days after the project ending date. The Investigator should expect on occasion to receive requests for clarification of Progress Reports. The requests for clarification may be in writing and/or a webinar. A Lay Summary must accompany each Interim Progress Report and the Final Progress Report. The reports must be submitted in Microsoft Word or PDF file format. A final detailed expenditure report must also be sent no later than 90 days after the project ending date.
Request Research Grant Application
Click here to download PDF of application form.
- Email Call for Proposals: July 17, 2024
- Application Deadline: February 26, 2025 – 5:00PM EST (with no exception).
- Review of Submitted Applications Completed & Notification of Awards: March – April 2025
- Award Winners will Receive the Award at the 2025 Educational Forum in Florida May – June, 2025
- Anticipated Funding Start Date: July 1, 2025 – February 26, 2026
Review Criteria
Research proposals are reviewed by an independent committee composed of selected members of the IWMF Research Committee, the IWMF Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC), and other experts in the field. This committee may in turn respond to the research proposal applicant(s) with questions and/or request clarification regarding certain aspects of the proposal itself. The proposals will be ranked using established NIH review criteria. The number of Awards made will be based on funding availability. Applicants will be notified by the IWMF as soon as a decision is made.
An application will be judged on these criteria:
- The probability of an advance in prevention, diagnosis, or treatment in the near-term.
- The conceptual basis upon which the proposal rests.
- The novelty of the concept and strategy.
- The overall plan for bringing the research findings to clinical application.
- Experience, background, and qualifications of investigator(s).
- Adequacy of resources and environment (facilities, data management, data analysis, etc.).
- Adequacy of provisions for protection of human subjects.
Robert A. Kyle Career Development Award Program
In recent years we have witnessed substantial progress in basic biomedical research and subsequent clinical management of Waldenstrom’s macroglobulinemia (WM). In order to achieve its vision of A World Without WM, the International Waldenstrom’s Macroglobulinemia Foundation recognizes that it is vital to provide funding to support the career development of next-generation researchers for WM.
The IWMF is therefore proud to announce the establishment of the Robert A. Kyle Career Development Award Program, which recognizes the 50+ years of impactful contributions by Dr. Robert Kyle to the field of plasma cells disorders and WM.
Under the terms of the Request for Proposals for the Robert A. Kyle Career Development Award, the IWMF will confer a research grant to a young investigator in the amount of $75,000 each year for a two (2)-year project. A young investigator is defined as a junior faculty member (instructor or assistant professor) and/or postdoctoral fellow who has a focus in basic research in the field of B-cell or plasma cell malignancies for at least two (2) years. His or her program must have a teaching curriculum and mentoring with well-established investigators with a track record in the B-cell malignancy or plasma cell malignancy field.
- Email Call for Proposals: July 17, 2024
- Application Deadline: February 26, 2025 – 5:00PM EST (with no exception).
- Review of Submitted Applications Completed & Notification of Awards: March – April 2025
- Award Winners will Receive the Award at the 2025 Educational Forum in Florida May – June, 2025
- Anticipated Funding Start Date: July 1, 2025 – February 26, 2026
Should you have any further questions about the Robert A. Kyle Career Development Award, please do not hesitate to email IWMF Finance Manager Robin Tucker at the following email address: rtucker@iwmf.com. Also, feel free to share the RFP document with any of your colleagues who may also be interested.
Application for the Robert A. Kyle Career Development Award.
IWMF Research Seed Money Initiative
To achieve its vision of a World without Waldenstrom’s macroglobulinemia (WM), the International Waldenstrom’s Macroglobulinemia Foundation (IWMF) recognizes it is vital to provide funding to support seed money to researchers for Waldenstrom’s macroglobulinemia. The IWMF is therefore proud to announce the establishment of the IWMF Research Seed Money Initiative for Waldenstrom’s macroglobulinemia. This IWMF Research Seed Money Initiative gives investigators around the world the chance to define objectives and test pilot hypotheses in preparation for larger grant applications through the IWMF-LLS Strategic Research Roadmap Initiative. The seed data from the projects will give investigators a better idea of feasibility and directionality of their future Waldenstrom macroglobulinemia research.
Under the terms of the Request for Proposals for the IWMF Research Seed Money Initiative, the IWMF will confer a research grant to an investigator in the amount of $75,000 each year for a one (1) year project.
Submissions: An application for a research project can be submitted for the IWMF Research
Seed Money Initiative via email (timelines and addresses listed below). The project description, significance, Aims, six-month timelines and scientific approach should not exceed 12 pages in length and follow the guidelines noted below and also located on the IWMF website at www.iwmf.com/research/applying-research-grant. Additional pages should include references, biographical sketches, and detailed budget with justification, list of other projects, and appendices as necessary. Following a review process that may take up to 2-3 months, the award will be made to the successful applicant(s).
- Email Call for Proposals: July 17, 2024
- Application Deadline: February 26, 2025 – 5:00PM EST (with no exception).
- Review of Submitted Applications Completed & Notification of Awards: March – April 2025
- Award Winners will Receive the Award at the 2025 Educational Forum in Florida May – June, 2025
- Anticipated Funding Start Date: July 1, 2025 – February 26, 2026
Who Can Apply: Applicants must hold an MD, PhD, or equivalent degree and work in domestic or foreign non-profit organizations, such as universities, colleges, hospitals, or laboratories. The applicants should have an independent research or academic position. Applicants need not be US citizens, and there are no restrictions on applicant age, race, gender, or creed. Applications from non-academic facilities, postdoctoral positions, and the National Institutes of Health are not eligible.
Payment Policy: The IWMF Treasurer will pay a pro rata amount for six months at the start of the project. Future payments will be made at designated six-month intervals after each Interim or Final Report and accompanying Lay Summary has been received, the IWMF Research Committee has reviewed it for satisfactorily meeting the IWMF reporting requirements (see below) and a webinar with the lead researcher has occurred. Payments will be made after all guidelines have been met.
Reporting Requirements: Progress Reports are required to be submitted to the IWMF by the Investigator every six months for the duration of the project. Interim Progress Reports must be submitted no later than 30 days after the six-month period ends. Such Progress Reports will describe the activities and results with respect to each specific Aim that have occurred during the preceding six-month period. Project Aims should not be changed during the research process without prior notification, justification, and agreement of the IWMF Research Committee. The Investigator must show in the reports that he or she is performing the obligations stated in the submitted and approved research proposal for each reporting period. Deviations from the six-month timelines need to be explained to ensure that the project is on track. A Final Progress Report which describes the results and findings as they relate to the stated goals of the project for the full term of the project is required no later than 45 days after the project ending date. The Investigator should expect on occasion to receive requests for clarification of Progress Reports. The requests for clarification may be in writing and/or a webinar. A Lay Summary must accompany each Interim Progress Report and the Final Progress Report. The reports must be submitted in Microsoft Word or PDF file format. A final detailed expenditure report must also be sent no later than 90 days after the project ending date.
Should you have any further questions about the IWMF Research Seed Money Initiative, please do not hesitate to email IWMF Finance Manager Robin Tucker at the following email address: rtucker@iwmf.com. Also, feel free to share the RFP document with any of your colleagues who may also be interested.
Application for IWMF Research Seed Money Initiative Award.
IWMF-LLS Enhanced Research Roadmap Initiative
The International Waldenstrom’s Macroglobulinemia Foundation (IWMF) is proud to announce new and larger funding for a grant proposal that requires more effort, time, or resources than the previous 2-year IWMF-LLS Strategic Research Roadmap Initiative grants. This proposal will be funded at an aggregate of up to $1.5 million (including indirect costs) and can be up to 4 years duration.
Submissions: An application for a research project can be submitted within the Enhanced
Strategic Research Roadmap Initiative via email (timelines and addresses listed below). The project description, significance, Aims, six-month timelines and scientific approach should not exceed 12 pages in length and follow the guidelines noted below and also located on the IWMF website at www.iwmf.com/research/applying-research-grant. Additional pages should include
references, biographical sketches, detailed budget with justification, list of other projects, and appendices as necessary. Following a review process that may take up to four to six months, awards will be made to successful applicants.
Who Can Apply: Applicants must hold an MD, PhD, or equivalent degree and work in domestic or foreign non-profit organizations, such as universities, colleges, hospitals, or laboratories. The applicants should have an independent research or academic position. Applicants need not be US citizens, and there are no restrictions on applicant age, race, gender, or creed. Applications from non-academic facilities, postdoctoral positions, and the National Institutes of Health are not eligible.
- Email Call for Proposals: July 17, 2024
- Application Deadline: February 26, 2025 – 5:00PM EST (with no exception).
- Review of Submitted Applications Completed & Notification of Awards: March – April 2025
- Award Winners will Receive the Award at the 2025 Educational Forum in Florida May – June, 2025
- Anticipated Funding Start Date: July 1, 2025 – February 26, 2026
Payment Policy: The IWMF Treasurer will pay a pro rata amount for six months at the start of the project. Future payments will be made at designated six-month intervals after each Interim or Final Report and accompanying Lay Summary has been received, the IWMF Research Committee has reviewed it for satisfactorily meeting the IWMF reporting requirements (see below) and a webinar with the lead researcher has occurred. Payments will be made after all guidelines have been met.
Reporting Requirements: Progress Reports are required to be submitted to the IWMF by the Investigator every six months for the duration of the project. Interim Progress Reports must be submitted no later than 30 days after the six-month period ends. Such Progress Reports will describe the activities and results with respect to each specific Aim that have occurred during the preceding six-month period. Project Aims should not be changed during the research process without prior notification, justification, and agreement of the IWMF Research Committee. The Investigator must show in the reports that he or she is performing the obligations stated in the submitted and approved research proposal for each reporting period. Deviations from the six-month timelines need to be explained to ensure that the project is on track. A Final Progress Report which describes the results and findings as they relate to the stated goals of the project for the full term of the project is required no later than 45 days after the project ending date. The Investigator should expect on occasion to receive requests for clarification of Progress Reports. The requests for clarification may be in writing and/or a webinar. A Lay Summary must accompany each Interim Progress Report and the Final Progress Report. The reports must be submitted in Microsoft Word or PDF file format. A final detailed expenditure report must also be sent no later than 90 days after the project ending date.
Should you have any further questions about the IWMF Enhanced Research Roadmap Initiative, please do not hesitate to email IWMF Finance Manager Robin Tucker at the following email address: rtucker@iwmf.com. To view the RFP click here. Also, feel free to share the RFP document with any of your colleagues who may also be interested.
Application for IWMF Enhanced Research Roadmap Initiative.
IWMF-LLS Companion Initiative
The International Waldenstrom’s Macroglobulinemia Foundation (IWMF) and the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS) are proud to announce the second IWMF-LLS COMPANION INITIATIVE – a Request for Proposals (RFP) to help further knowledge in Waldenstrom’s macroglobulinemia (WM) research.
Submissions: An application for a research project can be submitted within the Companion Initiative via email (timelines and addresses listed below). The project description, significance, Aims, six-month timelines and scientific approach should not exceed 12 pages in length and follow the guidelines noted below and also located on the IWMF website at www.iwmf.com/research/applying-research-grant. Additional pages should include references, biographical sketches, detailed budget with justification, list of other projects, and appendices as necessary. Following a review process that may take up to four to six months, awards will be made to successful applicants.
Who Can Apply: Applicants must hold an MD, PhD, or equivalent degree and work in domestic or foreign non-profit organizations, such as universities, colleges, hospitals, or laboratories. The applicants should have an independent research or academic position. Applicants need not be US citizens, and there are no restrictions on applicant age, race, gender, or creed. Applications from non-academic facilities, postdoctoral positions, and the National Institutes of Health are not eligible.
- Email Call for Proposals: July 17, 2024
- Application Deadline: February 26, 2025 – 5:00PM EST (with no exception).
- Review of Submitted Applications Completed & Notification of Awards: March – April 2025
- Award Winners will Receive the Award at the 2025 Educational Forum in Florida May – June, 2025
- Anticipated Funding Start Date: July 1, 2025 – February 26, 2026
Payment Policy: The IWMF Treasurer will pay a pro rata amount for six months at the start of the project. Future payments will be made at designated six-month intervals after each Interim or Final Report and accompanying Lay Summary has been received, the IWMF Research Committee has reviewed it for satisfactorily meeting the IWMF reporting requirements (see below) and a webinar with the lead researcher has occurred. Payments will be made after all guidelines have been met.
Reporting Requirements: Progress Reports are required to be submitted to the IWMF by the Investigator every six months for the duration of the project. Interim Progress Reports must be submitted no later than 30 days after the six-month period ends. Such Progress Reports will describe the activities and results with respect to each specific Aim that have occurred during the preceding six-month period. Project Aims should not be changed during the research process without prior notification, justification, and agreement of the IWMF Research Committee. The Investigator must show in the reports that he or she is performing the obligations stated in the submitted and approved research proposal for each reporting period. Deviations from the six-month timelines need to be explained to ensure that the project is on track. A Final Progress Report which describes the results and findings as they relate to the stated goals of the project for the full term of the project is required no later than 45 days after the project ending date. The Investigator should expect on occasion to receive requests for clarification of Progress Reports. The requests for clarification may be in writing and/or a webinar. A Lay Summary must accompany each Interim Progress Report and the Final Progress Report. The reports must be submitted in Microsoft Word or PDF file format. A final detailed expenditure report must also be sent no later than 90 days after the project ending date.
Should you have any further questions about the IWMF Enhanced Research Roadmap Initiative, please do not hesitate to email IWMF Finance Manager Robin Tucker at the following email address: rtucker@iwmf.com. To view the RFP click here. Also, feel free to share the RFP document with any of your colleagues who may also be interested.
Application for IWMF-LLS Companion Initiative.
Quick Links
IWMF-LLS Strategic Research Roadmap Initiative
Robert A. Kyle Career Development Award Program
IWMF Research Seed Money Initiative
IWMF-LLS Enhanced Research Roadmap Initiative
IWMF-LLS Companion Initiative
Contact Information
IWMF Office

6144 Clark Center Ave.
Sarasota, FL 34238
