European WM Patient Forum

View the videos from the 2023 European Patient Forum

Watch the video presentations from global experts and patients at the first-ever European WM Patient Forum. The forum was co-hosted by the IWMF and WMUK in Amsterdam, NL and Birmingham, UK on 21 October 2023.

Opening Remarks with Newton Guerin, President & CEO, IWMF

Clinical Trials with Dr. Harriet Scorer

Linking up with Amsterdam and Birmingham

WM in the Body with Dr. Dima El Sharkawi

What’s new in WM with Dr. Simone Ferrero

WM in the Body with Dr. Josephine Vos

Living with WM by
Dr. MJ Kersten

Fatigue with Isabella Jones and Vern Middleton

Living with WM by
Dr. Shirley D’Sa

Living with WM

Active Monitoring with
Dr. Shirley D’Sa

Current Treatment Landscape with Dr. Christian Buske

Current Treatment Landscape Q&A

Mental Health with Dr. Sarah Dwinger

Clinical Trials with Prof. Monique Minnema

Ask the HCP Panel

WM Symptoms Panel – UK Only

Research and Data Panel
– UK Only

Final Remarks with Carl Harrington

Closing Remarks with Newton Guerin

Dutch Closing Remarks with Newton Guerin

German Closing Remarks with Newton Guerin

Spanish Closing Remarks with Newton Guerin

French Closing Remarks with Newton Guerin